When you search in the RAHB Matrix Free Form Boxes, you can expand your search by using the Wildcard * (shift + 8). You can use the RAHB Matrix Wildcard to search in the following ways:

  • *king: this will find items that end with “king” (ex. Mackenzie King, Viking)
  • king*: this will find items that start with “king” (ex. King William, Kingsway)
  • *king*: this will find any items that contain the word “king” (ex. Rockingham)

A phrase can also be surrounded by a Wildcard. For example, *backyard pond* would find any items that contained the words “backyard pond” together.

When searching streets it is a good idea to add a Wildcard to the end of the street name. For example, Lakeshore* would find “Lakeshore”, “Lakeshore Ave.”, “Lakeshore West”, etc.

You don’t have to the use Wildcard Search if you don’t want to, but using it allows you to be as specific or broad in your search as you want.